Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The MV KUMAR Work Day

productivity and time management mantras

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. .. Albert Einstein

Before Work Begin, Before You Leave & Anytime Necessary

Do not commence work in haste,
think about your short & long-term goals ...
steps needed

Mentally, take a step back and visualize yourself floating above your work place and looking down – you will definitely feel more relaxed, and you will probably see things in a different perspective.

Breathing .... very very important

"The practice of mindful breathing can lead to the release of all suffering." ... Margo Adair

Place hand on stomach. Make (Notice) your hand and stomach rise and fall when you breathe. Properly done, your chest will remain while your stomach will rise, when inhaling and vide versa. DO this on the counts of five.

Taking mental breaks like this might guide you towards a different direction in solving long-standing problems. Use this time to remotivate yourself, because unless you are motivated, you cannot motivate others. Also, making your work a pleasure will greatly diminish your stress.

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. .. Albert Einstein

make a “to-do” list of things

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. … Lewis Carroll

a) today’s
Set Priorities - High priority projects should also be done first - and then look into the lower priority jobs. If there are too many jobs for you to handle, delegate to jointly handle them

b) & Tomorrow‘s Draft list

Set Daily Goal
a) Estimating time accurately
b) Scheduling simple projects
c) Time planning for small and medium sized projects
d) Aides Memoire

An Aide Memoire (Memory aid) is a structured list of points that should be considered when solving a particular/specific problem –
considered all relevant factors, eg –

What CAN be done – no problemo,
What are usual problems/mistakes/”let downs”,
How to rise above the challenges, end results etc.

Often this makes the difference between carrying out a task effectively and making a mess of it, particularly when you are under pressure

Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions –
(1) Why am I doing it,
(2) What the results might be; and
(3) Will I be successful.
Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead… Chanakya

Focus on the Job At Hand
Instead of taking on too many tasks at one time and not completing most of them, concentrate on one job at a time and finish it off as quickly as possible. This will give you greater satisfaction on completion of those jobs.
This will reduce the risk of having to face the challenges in the items 5, 2 & 3 herein

Resolve Not To Procrastinate

Procrastination is the bane of the small business owner because every task has to get done sooner or later. If possible, get large tasks over with early in the morning, when you are still fresh and energetic.

Why do we Procrastinate?
You procrastinate when you put off things. Usually in favor of doing something that is more enjoyable or comfortable. Investing time in wrong tasks. Not understanding the difference between an urgent tasks and important tasks but jumping straight into it - reacting fast. Not thinking - driven by demands which are loudest.
Feeling overwhelmed by the task or Perfectionism ("I don't have the right skills or resources to do this perfectly now, so I won't do it at all."). A fear of failure or success. Waiting for the “right” mood or the “right” time to tackle the important task at hand.